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The International Well Building Institute (IWBI) launched the WELL assessment standard in 2014. It focuses on creating and developing healthy buildings, which are becoming increasingly important in today’s society.

WELL includes a set of strategies, backed by the latest scientific research, that aims to advance human health through design interventions, operational protocols and policies which foster a culture of health and well-being.

A WELL certification aims to put the health and wellbeing of a building and its inhabitants at the centre of design and construction by focusing on 10 key concepts, including air, nourishment, movement, light and mind.

Our WELL Accredited Professionals (APs) can guide you through the formal certification process and enhance the credibility of your project, whether you are seeking to achieve WELL Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum rating.

Alternatively, we can provide a WELL ‘enabled’ consultancy service for the project to see that the development sufficiently incorporates the key principles of the WELL standard without pursuing formal certification. This approach typically focusses on implementing all mandatory precondition features and a selection of the optimisation features to facilitate the ability of a future tenant to carry out their own owner-occupied WELL assessment as part of their fit out works.




Minimise Sound

Break out




WELL applies the science of how physical and social environments affect human health, well-being and performance. Backed by the latest scientific research, WELL outlines key building-level and organisational strategies across the 10 categories. Based on these 10 Categories the WELL rating is achieved. 

“More than ever before, companies are being held to a higher standard for how they care for their employees and manage the downstream impacts of their products and services. IWBI applies the science in the WELL Building Standard to help organizations meet and exceed industry performance standards to become leaders in health.”

Matthew Trowbridge, M.D., MPH

Chief Medical Officer, International WELL Building Institute

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Get in touch with our sustainability team who are qualified to finding a solution that meets the health and wellbeing needs of your tenants and employees. Together we can design the path for a more sustainable environment.